Our social media channels are not continuously managed. However, we will respond promptly and thoroughly to your reactions. In urgent cases, please dial the police number 110.
You can also find a lot of information on police topics on the NRW police website under the menu item Tasks or via the search function.
What we think of social media
Children today learn to swim, ride a bike, tie their shoes or make their own breakfast much later than they learn to use apps or a computer mouse. When 16-year-olds today write an average of 1000 messages per day on social media, this seems a lot in the eyes of their parents, but normal in their peer group.
As the number one source of information, social networks are the population's virtual clinical thermometer. No television crew is ready to report faster than the people on the ground with their smartphones.
Social media have fundamentally changed our world and our actions and are increasingly shaping everyday police work. The Kleve district police authority is taking on the major challenge of using the highly competitive virtual information market to its advantage. Of course, it is not about cutting costs, increasing profits and sales figures or acquiring new customers. Our aim is to provide fast and well-founded information about the work of the Kleve district police.
In NRW, all police headquarters and also the district authorities use social media. There is also a central YouTube channel for the NRW police.
How to recognize the real police on social media
Unfortunately, there are many offers on social media that look deceptively similar to genuine police offers. Police press releases, images and emblems are used to give the impression that it is a police page. The NRW police are taking action against the operators of these pages using all the legal options available to them.
A police website can be recognized by the following features:
- It has a uniform naming convention (Polizei NRW and name/name abbreviation of the police authority).
- It is usually certified by the platform provider (tick in blue circle)
- It has a police star with the authority logo.
- Data for making contact outside the social network is provided