
Symbolbild Krads in Kleve
Head: Senior police officer Achim Jaspers

The headquarters of the Traffic Directorate's management and command center is located in Kleve at Kanalstraße 7.

The command center

The traffic command center is the central police office for all matters relating to road traffic. It evaluates all traffic accidents, analyzes accident clusters and phenomena and processes these within and outside the authority. It also takes part in accident commissions and traffic inspections to ensure the safe design of road traffic areas.

The traffic service with the traffic service groups in Geldern and Kleve

The traffic service's task forces in the district are responsible for general traffic monitoring, monitoring commercial passenger and goods traffic, inspecting and escorting heavy goods vehicles and monitoring traffic with technical equipment. The traffic service also includes the motorcycle group, which is also responsible for general traffic monitoring.

Traffic accident prevention/victim protection in Geldern and Kleve

The traffic safety advisors in the traffic accident prevention/victim protection organizational unit are the point of contact for all questions relating to correct behaviour in road traffic. They offer target group-oriented advice for all age groups and all groups of road users, in particular for kindergarten and school children, young drivers, senior citizens and cyclists.

Victim protection measures following serious traffic accidents, which go beyond the deployment of the victim protection on-call service set up at the district police authority, are carried out by the traffic accident prevention/victim protection department.

The traffic commissioner's office with locations in Kleve, Emmerich and Geldern

The traffic commissioner's office is responsible for processing traffic accidents and all other traffic-related reports. In addition to processing traffic accidents with the evaluation of accident traces, carrying out investigations and questioning those involved in accidents and witnesses, it also processes reports of traffic offenses and traffic violations until they are handed over to the public prosecutor's office or the fines office.

The traffic accident investigation team (VU team)

The VU team of the Kleve police station, based in Geldern, is affiliated to the traffic commissioner's office. It is responsible in the district of Kleve and throughout the state of North Rhine-Westphalia for recording the so-called factual evidence (objective findings) in

  • traffic accidents with fatalities,
  • traffic accidents with life-threatening injuries,
  • traffic accidents in connection with prohibited motor vehicle races and third-party personal injury,
  • traffic accidents in which a special public interest is to be expected due to the extent or the directly associated consequences for the population.

In addition to taking evidence in the above-mentioned traffic accidents, the accident team is also deployed to secure digital vehicle lanes (e.g. after prohibited motor vehicle races in accordance with Section 315d of the German Criminal Code).

In addition to the above-mentioned tasks, the accident team is deployed within the Kleve police station for training measures and for tasks that require special expertise and the use of special technology.

Smartphones at the wheel and crash course NRW
  • Keine WhatsApp-Nachricht, kein Anruf ist ein Menschenleben wert
    Realität erFAHREN. Echt hart Emotionale Bilder, erschreckende Geschichten, eindringliche Musik - das ist der Stoff, aus dem zeitgemäße Unfallprävention gemacht ist.
Road safety work
in Kleve
Ansprechpartner polizeiliche Verkehrsunfallprävention
All victims are entitled to advice, help and support.
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In urgent cases: Police emergency number 110